Monday, February 11, 2008

How much techie is needed to do your job, OR....

If you have been in the business and tech world, how many times have you been present in a meeting where the "techies" start the techie talk jargon, and soon everyone must be at that same level or lose out?

Ever been present in a conversation or situation where someone, not necessarily a traditional techie by profession, thinks he/she must talk techie? Maybe has a family member who has taken a training class, lets say in Microsoft Access? And now they both think they are database experts? Or worse --- they have worked with a leading database vendor, written several dozen SQLs and now think they should be designers?

Why? Why? Is it that being "techie" or knowing how to speak "techie" gives one more value and / or credibility?

I used to be a techie many, many moons ago. (back before it became "I/T", and even before it was commonly known as M.I.S.) I gave up tryinging to keep up with the industry because the I/T industry is changing too fast. Current techie knowledge will be obsolete before the day is over.

And guess what? I still have a challenging career without that knowledge. I found out that it is best to let that level of detail to those others who want to stay with that level of activity. I can direct, manage, and lead those folks, and simply depend upon them to make the best decision. I don't need to know......

That last thought is a hard one for many people. There is an apparent belief that you must know the details in order to understand. Is that important? If others have that responsibility of knowledge, do you have to also? Redundancy and duplication of effort? Does my detailed knowledge significantly contribute to the solution at hand, especially if they have the stronger skill set? For illustration purposes, think of that car you drive every day. Do you personally know the details of how that enginre purrs, the electronic window opener that opens the right rear window as you drive, the heat that pours into the back seat as you turn the switch on the dash, the sound that changes from front to back by the push of a button?

Back to the original issue: How much techie is needed to do your job? If you are an I/T professional, with a speciality, stay with it, ensure growth, but always remember there are other technical specialities that supercede yours. (it never ends....)

And if you are a business professional, by all means, strive to learn and understand more about the technical world. Abuse that knowledge growth by searching out those with more expertise. AND.... guide them with your business knowledge towards a solution. The biggest factor of that last message is this ----- business, business problems, business solutions, are what it is all about!!!!!! Business gives us our paychecks, business is about customers and clients, business is about growth and prosperity. Technology is just a tool to support business. Perspective!!

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