Saturday, September 25, 2010

Business Leadership & Conducting an Orchestra

Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors

I am not sure how I initially I found it, but was intrigued to watch a particular TED Talk video. Italy Talgam, a career orchestra conductor, shares the relationship between famous conductors and the members of the orchestra. The leadership that one must provide gives significant insight to business leaders. I found a valuable parallelism to team managers, and as project managers as well (the latter being close to my heart professionally.)

Just some of the significant tidbits I absorbed:

• Build appropriate Control, not Demand, into your team

• The leader must build a partnership

• When it is needed, and only when it is needed, authority must be there

• Give instruction, ensure responsibility, ensure effective communication is present

• Don't forget the other participants, such as the audience (i.e., your customers), and the builder of the instruments (i.e., your implicit support team)

·       And #4 from the 10 Commandments for Conductors:  Never look at the trombones — it only encourages them.  (which I found humorous since I played trombone in my earlier years)

Check out the full TED talk:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Influence: simple and expanded definition

The definition, and more, of INFLUENCE

Influence is a powerful word, that when properly executed, is much more than power. By definition it is the act of producing an effect without (an apparent) exertion of force or direct command or demand. A mouthful, it can move mountains, grow individuals and teams, and accomplish significant feats.

Leaders must have a successful capability to conduct their influence for a greater good than themselves and self glory. Executives, directors, managers, and project managers must prevail in this skill set.

I recently found a blog on this topic in relationship to social media. It has 4 terrific key points listed below.

1. Influence is simple… which makes it complicated.

2. Influence is contextual.

3. Influence is the product of reach and authority.

4. (Most) Influence is invisible.

More intrigued? a link to the original posting -

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Social Media HAS changed our lives

Without a doubt social media is changing our lives.     Is is no longer that we should adapt to "IT", but rather "IT" has already impacted us.    The label "Social" is likely an unfit adjective as well.  It is no longer personal, no longer professional.   The blending of newer, or rather the newer and most recent, media into our lives happens with our little control over it.   It used to be Myspace, now its Facebook.   What's around the corner?  There are so many similar or niche solutions that may rise to the top tomorrow, or even tonight.    Can you believe emails are becoming old fashioned?

Corporations, small and large, are searching how to exploit this all.   Branding, customized customer relationships, more frequent contact with the customer, internal communication activity improvements.... the list goes on.  

The traditional perspective of social connections is being redefined across all boundraries.   Families, extended families, private industries, schools, and yes even into churches.

AND....   Technology is growing at a terrific pace in parallel.  Phones are now  super "smart", and siginificantly more intellegent than previous 'smart' ones.  We can't live without the nonverbal aspect of what they do or allow us to do  --- texting, tweeting, our personal calendars giving us notifications on the fly.

Check out this video.   It provides an amazing perspective of the growth of social media.
Video: Social Media Revolution

Monday, September 06, 2010

What happened to Labor Day?

Today, Monday September 6 is a national holiday -- Labor Day.  But yet how many people in the American society are truly acknowledging the intent of this day? Or they just looking at another day off, or a day of BBQing and family picnics? 

We have lost something here.  A great something.   In the interest of the big corporate dollar many people are still working on this day.  When I grew up there were extra lessons in school the days before noting the purpose and value of this day of tribute.   We also were taught to extend the boundaries of the definitions of Labor to include many other factors and professions.   

Here is another view of this concern which goes further in depth.